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Thank you for another year to remember!

As we begin the new academic year at Olympias, we reflect on the incredible achievements made possible by our supporters over the past 12 months.


Since September 2023, the generosity of our donors has helped us to deliver 3,750 one-to-one instrumental and singing lessons to 125 children and supported over 500 children and adults to make music together.  

Every trumpet toot and violin pluck is another small boost to a child’s confidence and we can feel our little tribe’s strength and confidence grow year-by-year.

From a piano donation for Olympias student Jasibe; a Dire Straits fundraiser at Forsyths by keyboardist Alan Clark; free tickets for our Youth Voices singers to Brief Encounter at the Royal Exchange Theatre; to Royal Recognition from King Charles for the 72 amazing volunteers who support our work - we have a lot to be thankful for.

We look forward to seeing what the new term brings for our new and existing children. Olympias kids are dreaming big and we can’t wait to see the amazing things they do and the places they end up – watch out world!  

None of this would have been possible without the generous support of our family of musical changemakers, and the incredible warmth and collective spirit of our friends and neighbours.

Thank you for giving each child at Olympias a chance

to enjoy a musical future.

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